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2024 is coming to a close - what has AUTSA and the SRC been up to?


Written by Alicia Lemmer (she/her) | AUTSA President

AUTSA President

As I reflect on the past nine months as President of the Auckland University of Technology Student Association (AUTSA) for 2024, I’m excited to share a little about myself, the work we’ve been doing, and the goals we’ve set for the year ahead. I’m originally from South Africa, though I attended high school in New Zealand and have been in New Zealand for eight years. I’m currently studying Business and Communications at AUT, and last year, I served as Vice President Academic for AUTSA. My experiences as a student and a representative have made me passionate about improving the university experience for all students.

What the Student Representative Council Has Been Up To

The Student Representative Council (SRC) is a diverse group of dedicated individuals who work hard to make sure the student voice is heard at every level of the university. Back in February 2024, we kicked off the year with a 3-day training session. This was an intensive introduction to the roles and responsibilities of each member within AUTSA, covering everything from governance to advocacy, and preparing us for the busy year ahead.

The SRC meets monthly during semesters to discuss ongoing projects, share feedback, and address emerging issues. One of our key focuses this year has been working closely with AUT to review the university’s new strategy, policies and be involved in university audits to ensure the student experience at AUT is captured adequately. This engagement ensures that students have a direct line to influence key decisions shaping our university’s future.

Each SRC representative is responsible for a specific portfolio, which could range from academic affairs to campus life. Representatives meet regularly with staff in their respective areas, giving feedback directly from students to ensure our concerns are not only heard but acted upon. This structure has allowed us to be more responsive to student needs and better equipped to advocate for change. Some of the key changes we have advocated for is updated lecture content, high quality teaching and for the university to close the feedback loop when students provide feedback.

As the President, I have been involved in several important national campaigns, including initiatives aimed at improving university in New Zealand as a whole and enhancing campus life. Additionally, I’ve working hard to strengthen the collaboration between student reps and faculty.

Looking Ahead: Goals for 2025

As we move into the next year, we have some exciting goals for 2025 that will continue to build on the foundation we’ve already set. One of our major focuses will be implementing the new AUTSA constitution. This will bring our governing structure in line with best practices for student leadership, ensuring that we are more effective, transparent, and capable of representing all students. We also want to continue developing leadership skills within the SRC. By offering workshops and leadership training, we hope to empower every representative to be an even stronger advocate for students.

A key priority for us is enhancing the effectiveness of the student voice at AUT. This means refining the way we communicate with students and the university, ensuring that feedback is not only gathered but acted upon quickly and efficiently. We also aim to continue improving the Academic Student Rep System, so representatives can better support students in academic-related matters and make sure that issues raised are addressed by the university.

In 2025, we’ll also be focusing on implementing the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Titahi Ki Tua (TKT), which will strengthen our partnership and help us launch shared initiatives that reflect our values and priorities as a university community.

As AUT grows, we must ensure that every student feels represented and included. We’re committed to creating spaces that cater to the diversity of our student population, focusing on equity and accessibility across all campuses.

Moving Forward Together

The Student Association and the SRC are here to serve you, the students. Our work is shaped by the feedback you give us, and we’re always striving to make AUT a better place for everyone, so if you ever have questions, concerns, or ideas, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m excited about what lies ahead for 2025 and beyond.


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