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Gas leak false-alarm causes building evacuation

Vanessa Elley

by Vanessa Elley (she/her)

news writer

A false alarm was triggered at AUT’s City Campus on Friday March 3rd, leading to the evacuation of the WC


Although concerns were initially raised about a gas leak, in fact a refrigerant alarm had been accidentally set off.

The alarm was tripped by vapor from an adhesive being used by a flooring contractor working in an office.

WC building was evacuated as a precaution. AUT student Sophie Watson was on her way to AUTSA’s Paint & Sip event when she was stopped at the entrance of WC by a security guard.

“He told us we couldn’t enter the building because there had been a gas leak.”

She also saw two fire trucks on their way to the university at around 4pm, fifteen minutes before she was stopped.

The Paint & Sip event was part of the Friday lineup for AUTSA’s 2023 O Week, and was planned to be held from 3-5pm in the WC202 student lounge.


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